The Omnichannel Journey: Choosing Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

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The Omnichannel Journey: Choosing Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

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(Note – This is the third of an eleven-part series, titled “The Omnichannel Journey.” We will release new posts in this series every week. Therefore, be sure to subscribe to our blog to be notified when we publish new articles on our site.)


Acquiring new customers is no easy feat. Keeping those new customers happy, though, is the real challenge. Therefore, to keep your customers from being taken by competitors, it’s more important than ever to focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Brand-customer interactions are complex in the digital age. A brand’s connection with its customers now transcends traditional boundaries with various physical and online touchpoints. Consequently, your business must understand and optimize each touchpoint in order to navigate this intricate web of interactions successfully.

To navigate this complexity, businesses are turning to journey mapping—a strategic exercise that sheds light on the customer’s path. More than a modern buzzword, journey mapping is crucial for brands to tailor experiences that resonate with customers. Therefore, with that in mind, join us on our omnichannel journey and discover how to create a journey mapping toolkit for crafting a memorable customer experience.

Understanding the Omnichannel Landscape

The digital age brought about ‘omnichannel,’ which is a comprehensive approach to customer experience across various channels. Harvard Business Review found that 73% of consumers engage with brands through multiple channels while shopping. Such findings highlight more than just the blending of offline and online experiences; they emphasize the necessity for consistent, positive interactions across all touchpoints.

The omnichannel approach is here to stay. According to Shopify research, almost 60% of customers prioritize omnichannel access to businesses, with that number increasing every year. To address the anticipated surge, brands must ensure consistency and customization at every touchpoint while establishing a presence across all channels.

The Importance of Journey Mapping

Envision the customer’s interaction with a brand as a plotted journey, detailing each touchpoint, be it online or offline. The journey map provides a bird’s-eye view of the customer-brand relationship. Salesforce research suggests that customers engage with brands through ten different channels, on average.

Yet, journey maps dive deeper than just tracking touchpoints. They focus on empathizing with customers at each stage. Data from McKinsey & Company reinforces this. Brands that prioritize the entire customer journey see a 10-15% revenue increase and a 20% boost in customer satisfaction.

Basics of Journey Mapping

Journey mapping stands at the crossroads of strategy and empathy, providing your business with a tangible tool to visualize and understand your customers’ experiences. By creating a narrative of the customer’s entire interaction, your brand can glean insights into customer preferences, pain points, and emotions. Important to remember is that this isn’t just a strategic exercise; it’s about humanizing the relationship between your brand and your customers.

Why are journey maps and toolkits so important? In the upcoming sections, we will discuss journey mapping, including its journey mapping toolkit components and value in the multifaceted digital ecosystem.

What is a Customer Journey Map

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map (CJM) documents the customer journey, from the spark of awareness to post-purchase interactions. For instance, a consumer may discover a brand through social media, visit the website, read reviews, buy a product, and give feedback.

But a CJM isn’t merely a linear sequence of interactions. A truly insightful map captures more—the emotions, expectations, and potential frustrations a customer may experience at each step. A simple checkout process evokes ease and satisfaction, but a convoluted one may cause frustration or cart abandonment.

Why Every Brand Needs a Journey Mapping Toolkit

As the digital landscape evolves, brand-customer touchpoints expand. In this environment, a well-planned journey mapping toolkit is essential. A MyCustomer study shows 88% of brands improved online customer experience with a good journey mapping blueprint. Visualizing interactions can help your business identify improvement areas for seamless user experience.

Journey maps align departments for a coherent strategy. An Econsultancy report found that 55% of businesses with an effectively charted customer journey benefitted from reduced service costs and increased customer satisfaction. As you can see, journey mapping is essential for modern brands because of its dual benefit in improving customer experience and operational efficiency.

Data Collection Tools

The foundation of any successful customer journey mapping toolkit is a robust data collection tool. Understanding customer behavior requires relevant and accurate data. Equipping your business with proper data collection tools enhances journey mapping and provides actionable insights.

This section will explore two primary components of data collection you should include in your journey mapping toolkit: Analytics Platforms and Surveys & Feedback Collection. Exploring the functions and importance of these tools, we hope to assist your business in choosing the ideal journey mapping toolkit.

Analytics Platforms and Their Roles

Analytics platforms are vital for data-driven decision-making. These tools analyze customer behavior, preferences, and interactions across different channels. A Gartner survey reveals 53% of businesses use analytics to enhance services and understand customers.

But what do these platforms actually do? They help businesses collect and analyze customer data from various sources, such as websites, apps, and social media, enabling brands to identify trends, segments, and potential areas of improvement. Whether it’s tracking the customer’s path on your website or gauging the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, analytics platforms offer a deep understanding of customer behavior.

Surveys and Feedback Collection

Surveys and Feedback Collection

Analytics platforms provide quantitative insights, whereas surveys and feedback tools tap into subjective experiences. A Gartner study found that 80% of top companies use surveys to gather customer sentiments.

Surveys, questionnaires, and feedback forms let customers share their perspectives on the product, service, or overall experience. They allow brands to ask specific questions, such as, “How satisfied were you with your recent purchase?” or “What can we improve?” These tools capture emotions and perceptions beyond quantitative data, leading to a more comprehensive view of the customer journey.

Visualization and Design Tools

Once you collect data, the crucial next step is to make it actionable and understandable. Including visualization tools in your journey mapping toolkit makes it easy for stakeholders to understand the customer journey by transforming complex data into coherent visual representations.

Design plays a significant role in articulating the customer journey. It’s not just about what the data says; it’s about presenting it in a way that resonates with everyone involved. In the following sections, we’ll cover graphic design software and specialized journey mapping platforms and explain why they’re essential in the toolkit.

Graphic Design Software Choices

Using graphic design software is integral to creating a visual customer journey. These tools allow brands to create visuals that effectively show the customer’s path, emotions, and touchpoints. According to Adobe, 71% of businesses use graphic design software to create engaging visual content.

Adobe Illustrator and Sketch are popular choices for complex data visualization. Flowcharts, timelines, and infographics can illustrate the customer’s journey. Having good graphic design software in your journey mapping toolkit not only makes the journey easily digestible but also fosters creative exploration, ensuring that visualization resonates with all stakeholders.

Specialized Platforms for Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

Beyond general design tools, there are platforms created exclusively for journey mapping. Tools like Smaply and UXPressia streamline mapping with templates, collaboration, and analytics integration. A study by Forrester found that 53% of UX professionals use specialized tools to improve collaboration and efficiency.

These platforms enable a smooth transition from raw data to insightful visuals for customer journey mapping. They serve as a one-stop solution for creating a comprehensive journey map, with real-time collaboration and embedded data points. Thus, making them an integral part of a good journey mapping toolkit.

Customer Persona Development Tools

Customer Persona Development Tools

An accurate and actionable customer persona is essential for successful journey mapping. To gain insight into your target audience, you must understand their demographics, motivations, pain points, and aspirations. Without a set customer persona, mapping out the journey is like exploring an unknown land without a guide.

By utilizing specific tools, your business can create precise customer personas. Therefore, in this section, we will cover the key aspects of persona development by exploring research, interviewing tools, and persona template generators in this section.

Research and Interviewing Tools

Understanding your customer requires a deep dive into their world. Adding Research and interviewing tools to your journey mapping toolkit, such as Qualitative Research Platforms and Digital Interview Platforms like UserTesting and Intercom, helps facilitate this process. A Nielsen Norman Group study indicates 65% of businesses prioritize qualitative interviews in persona creation.

These tools help your business engage directly with customers, garnering insights into their preferences, pain points, and overall experience. Whether it’s conducting video interviews, in-app chats, or face-to-face discussions, including these platforms in your journey mapping toolkit will help you tap into the raw, unfiltered voice of the customer, crafting personas that resonate with reality.

Persona Template and Generators

After collecting research data, the next step is to organize it into understandable personas. Tools such as Xtensio and HubSpot’s Make My Persona allow you to create customer personas quickly and easily. According to a CMI report, over 70% of businesses credited detailed persona development for improved content effectiveness.

The templates on these platforms let you enter data, like demographics, buying behavior, motivations, and challenges. What’s the result? Comprehensive customer avatars that serve as foundational blueprints for any journey mapping process. With a clear persona in place, your business can make the customer journey map tailored, targeted, and effective.

Include Touchpoint Identification Options for Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

The customer journey is vast, and touchpoints serve as crucial markers along the way. Each touchpoint with the brand can make or break the relationship with the customer. Identifying touchpoints is crucial as it offers an overview of the journey and opportunities for improvement.

To aid in this endeavor, we’ll explore two pivotal components: Customer Interaction Trackers and Heatmap & Session Recording Tools. With these components in your journey mapping toolkit, your business can illuminate every aspect of the customer journey, ensuring no touchpoint gets overlooked.

Customer Interaction Trackers

Every email opened, link clicked, or product browsed forms part of the intricate customer journey. To keep track of these interactions, brands rely on Customer Interaction Trackers such as Mixpanel and Pendo. According to Econsultancy, over 60% of businesses use trackers to better understand customer behavior.

These platforms monitor and log every interaction, providing a detailed view of the customer’s path. Whether it’s tracking frequently viewed products or identifying common drop-off points in the buying cycle, interaction trackers capture every move visitors make and offer actionable data for journey map optimization.

Heatmap and Session Recording Tools

While interaction trackers offer a broad overview, heatmap and session recording tools, such as Hotjar and Crazy Egg, provide more detailed information. With these tools, websites and apps can be analyzed to understand customer behavior. A recent study by HubSpot showed that 54% of marketers leverage heatmaps to optimize their website’s user experience.

With these tools in your journey mapping toolkit, you can visually represent areas of a page or app that garner the most attention, clicks, or interactions. And with real-time user navigation information, you gain insights into aspects that resonate with users and potential friction points. Furthermore, with this depth of understanding, optimizing the journey becomes an informed, data-driven endeavor.

Pain Point Discovery Tools

Pain Point Discovery Tools

Unraveling customers’ pain points is a vital step in enhancing their journey and satisfaction. Recognizing these hurdles not only provides opportunities for improvement but also ensures customers feel heard and valued.

Pain point discovery involves more than just transactional hiccups. The goal with paint point discovery is to understand deep-seated issues, annoyances, and challenges that customers face. Therefore, in this segment, we’ll explore the integral tools for pain point discovery: Feedback and Review Aggregators and Customer Support Analysis.

Feedback and Review Aggregators

The digital era has empowered customers with various platforms to voice their experiences, frustrations, and suggestions. Review sites such as Trustpilot, Yelp, and G2 Crowd amass a wealth of customer reviews and feedback. According to a 2020 survey by BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses.

These aggregators offer businesses a panoramic view of customer sentiments, gathering reviews from various platforms into a singular dashboard. By analyzing patterns in feedback, businesses can pinpoint recurrent issues, understand the gravity of certain pain points, and prioritize areas demanding immediate attention.

Customer Support Analysis

External feedback gives only one perspective, whereas customer support and help desks offer an unfiltered view of customer pain points. By using tools like Zendesk and Freshdesk, it is possible to track, categorize, and analyze customer complaints and queries. According to a Microsoft report, over 95% of customers consider customer service to be a deciding factor in their loyalty to a brand.

By examining the most common queries, complaints, or areas where customers seek assistance, your business can identify underlying pain points that might not be obvious on the surface. This analysis improves the customer journey by helping you resolve issues proactively.

Feedback Integration Platforms

Identifying pain points and gathering feedback is just half the battle. The real challenge is to incorporate this feedback into actionable strategies and solutions. Effective integration ensures customer feedback is heard and drives transformative change.

In this section, we spotlight two pivotal components of feedback integration: Integrating Voice of the Customer (VoC) and Social Listening Tools. These platforms serve as conduits, channeling customer feedback into the very heart of business operations and strategy.

Integrating Voice of the Customer VoC In Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

Integrating Voice of the Customer (VoC) In Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

VoC programs enable brands to capture, analyze, and act on customer feedback, making it an essential component of their ethos. Platforms like Medallia and Qualtrics offer VoC capabilities, enabling businesses to translate feedback into actionable insights. According to Gartner, businesses that integrate VoC effectively can experience a sales boost of 10-15%.

VoC platforms collate feedback from various channels, run analytics to determine patterns, and offer actionable recommendations. Whether it’s redesigning a product feature or introducing a new service, these platforms can help you ensure that every decision echoes the voice of your customers.

Integrating Social Listening Into Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

In today’s digital age, conversations about brands aren’t limited to reviews or feedback forms. They sprawl across social media, blogs, and forums. Social listening tools, like Brandwatch and Mention, track these conversations, providing insights into brand sentiment and emerging trends. According to Datareportal’s 2021 report, 47% of marketers affirmed the essential role of social listening in their strategy.

Including these platforms in your journey mapping toolkit allows you to monitor brand mentions, gauge sentiment, and receive alerts about trending topics or emerging issues. By having an ear to the digital ground, your business can address concerns preemptively, take part in conversations, and ensure they remain attuned to the ever-changing customer voice.

Prioritization and Roadmap Tools

Merely collecting and assimilating feedback is not enough; businesses need to prioritize and plan their next steps. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. To manage the multitude of feedback and insights, organizations require tools to prioritize tasks and strategize their way forward.

With that in mind, let’s discuss two key tools that can help streamline these endeavors: Task and Project Management Platforms and Feature Voting and Request Platforms. Equipped with these, your business can ensure that the roadmap aligns with customers’ needs and the brand’s overarching goals.

Task and Project Management Platforms

In a world of multitasking and multiple channels, including task management platforms in your journey mapping toolkit is essential. Trello, Asana, and are all platforms that help manage projects. In fact, a report by the Project Management Institute (PMI) showed businesses that use structured project management tools are about 30% more successful in their projects than those that don’t.

These platforms can help your business allocate tasks, set timelines, track progress, and ensure that someone acts on each feedback or insight. With visual boards, timelines, and collaborative features, these tools facilitate clear communication among teams, ensuring efficient implementation of customer-centric changes.

Feature Voting and Request Platforms

Feature Voting and Request Platforms

Empowering customers with a say in a product’s evolution can provide invaluable insights. To that end, platforms like ProductBoard and Canny allow customers to suggest features, vote on them, and prioritize the ones they feel are the most beneficial. A study by UserVoice found that products that integrated user feedback through voting platforms witnessed a 20% increase in user engagement.

These platforms create a democratic space where customers feel valued. Their requests and feedback are not just collected but are actively used to shape the product’s future. It bridges the gap between brands and their users, fostering a relationship built on trust and co-creation.

Simulation and Testing Platforms

Prior to the complete implementation of modifications, it is advisable to assess the situation. Tools for simulation and testing ensure proposed changes achieve desired results.

In this segment, we’ll explore two important parts of this phase: UX Testing Tools and Flowchart Software. These platforms help businesses simulate, test, and refine their journey maps to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

User Experience (UX) Testing Tools

Ensuring a seamless user experience is a never-ending endeavor. With UX Testing Tools like UsabilityHub and Lookback, you can confirm website or app changes with real users. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, iterative testing (or testing at various stages) can improve a product’s usability by 233%.

These platforms allow your brand to gather real-time feedback on design changes, navigation flows, or new features. By testing with actual users, your business can glean insights into what works, what doesn’t, and what needs further refinement, ensuring the final output is the best it can be.

Scenario and Flowchart Software

To illustrate and map out the suggested modifications in the customer experience, Scenario and Flowchart Software is necessary. Software programs such as Lucidchart and Microsoft Visio enable brands to design complex journey flows, decision trees, and process maps. A TechValidate survey showed that 67% of Lucidchart users believed the platform was essential for visualizing complex processes.

These applications enable brands to visualize every twist and turn of the customer journey, ensuring every touchpoint, feedback loop, and interaction is mapped. This type of detailed visualization aids in spotting potential pitfalls or redundancies, which paves the way for a smooth and seamless journey.

Collaboration and Sharing Tools

In our digitally connected world, collaboration is more than just teamwork—it’s the collective intelligence that drives the project success. While the journey mapping process demands a multifaceted approach, sharing insights, feedback, and plans within the team (and sometimes, with customers) becomes pivotal. Hence, having collaboration and sharing tools in your journey mapping toolkit is essential.

In this section, we shed light on two essential tools that foster seamless collaboration and sharing: Cloud-based Collaboration Platforms and Presentation and Workshop Tools. With these, brands can ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page, working in tandem to enhance the customer journey.

Cloud-based Collaboration Platforms

Gone are the days when teams sat together in conference rooms, sketching out plans on whiteboards. With remote work and dispersed teams, Cloud-based Collaboration Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace have become indispensable. In fact, a study by McKinsey found that organizations with high collaboration qualities are twice as likely to outpace their competitors.

These platforms allow for real-time communication, document sharing, and brainstorming. Whether you’re discussing feedback, sharing journey map drafts, or prioritizing tasks, these platforms ensure that collaboration is smooth and uninterrupted, regardless of geographical boundaries.

Presentation and Workshop Tools

Presentation and Workshop Options for Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

Once journey maps are crafted and strategies are laid out, the next step is presenting them to stakeholders, teams, or customers. Applications like PowerPoint, Prezi, and Miro aren’t just useful for making engaging presentations, but also for facilitating workshops. A report by Prezi suggested that 70% of surveyed professionals believe interactive presentations are crucial in keeping the audience engaged.

With these tools, your business can illustrate journey maps, showcase insights, and gather feedback in interactive sessions. Workshops further allow real-time feedback, brainstorming, and adjustments, ensuring all involved parties contribute to refining the customer journey.

Continuous Monitoring and Evolution Tools

The customer journey is not static—it evolves. As brands grow, technologies change, and consumer behaviors shift, the journey map must also evolve to stay relevant. In this regard, the quest for excellence is never ending.

Two tools that can help in this continuous endeavor are Performance Metrics Trackers and Feedback Loop and Iteration Platforms. Brands can use these tools to stay in tune with market shifts and make the necessary adjustments to their customer journey.

Performance Metrics Trackers

Measuring your progress is essential if you want to determine whether you’re on the right track or not. Brands use tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and KPI dashboards to track performance metrics. According to CIO Dive, over 80% of organizations use performance metrics to guide their strategy and decision-making.

These tools offer insights into website traffic, user behaviors, conversion rates, and more. By regularly monitoring these metrics, your business can assess if endeavors are bearing fruit, and if not, where you need to pivot or make improvements in your journey mapping toolkit.

Feedback Loop and Iteration Platforms

Feedback is a cycle, not a one-off event. Platforms like UserTesting and Iterate foster a continuous feedback loop, which allows you to test, learn, and refine constantly. A Harvard Business Review article emphasized that organizations that master the feedback loop outpace their competitors in innovation and agility.

With these types of platforms, businesses can collect ongoing feedback, implement changes, and then retest to ensure effectiveness. It’s a continuous loop of improvement that optimizes the customer journey continuously.

Omnichannel Customer Success Summary


The Omnichannel Journey: Choosing Your Journey Mapping Toolkit

Navigating through a diverse journey mapping toolkit requires exploring a vast array of tools and platforms. Each tool, from data collection to ongoing feedback, is essential to refining the journey map.

The Integrated Journey Mapping Toolkit Approach

The key is not to view these tools in isolation, but rather to adopt an integrated toolkit approach. Brands must ensure that components in their journey mapping toolkit work together seamlessly, providing a complete picture of the customer’s experience. According to a survey by Smart Insights, companies using an integrated approach to customer journey mapping see up to a 50% increase in cross-channel customer engagement.

This approach allows for seamless data flow, ensuring insights gathered at one stage fuel strategies and decisions at the next. Remember, omnichannel and journey mapping are all about creating a cohesive, interconnected system that places the customer at its core.

Benefits of a Comprehensive Journey Mapping Toolkit

With a comprehensive journey mapping toolkit, the process is not only made easier but also yields tangible results. Brands witness a boost in customer satisfaction, leading to a decline in churn rates and an increase in brand loyalty.

Beyond metrics, a robust journey mapping toolkit helps to foster trust. Customers recognize and appreciate brands that take their feedback seriously and continually strive to improve. In the end, it’s about building relationships, not just transactions.

Key Takeaways

Developing a journey mapping toolkit requires a significant investment of time and effort. Though vast, the omnichannel journey mapping landscape has a singular objective: to improve the customer experience.

Embracing an Omnichannel Mindset

With the constant evolution of technology, a narrow-minded, siloed approach is no longer enough. To achieve success, it is critical to adopt an omnichannel approach, where every touchpoint, channel, and piece of feedback is interconnected. A study by the Aberdeen Group revealed that companies with a strong omnichannel strategy retained 89% of their customers, as opposed to a 33% retention rate for companies without it.

It’s about offering a consistent, seamless experience, whether the customer interacts with your brand in-store, on an app, or through social media.

The Continuous Evolution of Customer Journeys

Customer journeys aren’t set in stone; they’re fluid. As markets change, technologies advance, and consumer preferences shift, your brand must be nimble and ready to adapt and change as well. A report by PwC highlighted that 86% of buyers will pay more for a great customer experience. These types of numbers underline the importance of continuous monitoring, testing, and refining. The customer journey never truly ends; it only gets better.

Coming Up

In the next part of our series, “The Omnichannel Journey,” we discuss the roles of various stakeholders and departments when creating your customer journey map. So, if you would like to learn more about making the most of your journey mapping toolkit, be sure to check back in a few days for our next post.


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Ian Tempro, COO, at IA Solutions by IA Call Center writes about his 20+ years of extensive contact center experience in leadership, client relationships, operations and specialized vertical markets.

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